Feeling Halloweenie? Want something new (or old) to help with that urge? Anytime I need to be soaked in the warm blood of Halloween spirit, I always find myself wandering around the old Caverns of Blood website. I thought I would do a little shout out to them on my blog, since Caverns of Blood was what kept me sane back in high school when I wanted Halloween and there was no other creepy thing to look at or enjoy.
Caverns of Blood has just the right amount of Halloween cheesiness that's expected for a site dedicated solely to horror flicks, weird jokes, and demented mini games. One of my favorite places to visit in the labyrinth of Caverns of Blood is the Dreams and Nightmares section. It's cool to read what other people have dreamed and feared. It's even more awesome that they felt they had to share those experiences.
The only way to fully appreciate Caverns of Blood is to go there yourself and wander the endless corridors of doom that they have to offer. You won't be disappointed!
Stay Spooky!