Hello and welcome to another hump day, Spooks! How's your week going, so far? How's your year? I've been feeling both busy and bored, lately, which isn't a fun combo. Thank god for music, though. Shit keeps me...kind of....sane. Ha.
Let's spend some time bullshitting on the internet, yeah?
Every wondered what happens to your body after you die? I mean, I'm sure we all have some inkling after so much media and all that. What about a step-by-step on your decomposition, where you're taken when, and generally how you're treated? I found this interesting article that goes into just enough detail. Morbid curiosity? You know where I'm at today!
"Woah! Batt-ries. Have just died. On the camcorder!" I enjoy the unbridled enthusiasm of ghost hunters so very much! Last night, T and I were looking for stuff on poltergeist activity. It creeped me right out (at 2am, literally jogging through the dark to the bathroom so the 'ghosts' won't get me); so, naturally, I thought I'd share some of it with you guys!
Just a few 'are they real?' clips. For me, paranormal videos like these--fake or no--are more about the enjoyment of the fear they cause rather being about how real they are. Because who could actually say except for the people who witnessed it first hand? And even then, there's usually a good amount of confusion and justification.
If I really wanted to get philosophical, I could even question reality itself and our understanding thereof....but I just woke up not too long ago. That's more of a 3am discussion than 12pm one.
Here's another video from Mr. Nightmare, whose work I enjoy thoroughly! Just a bit more creep to distract from work and/or boredom...
And finally, the calm down video: adorable (and terrified) fainting goats. I feel like these guys anytime I'm worried I may be witnessing paranormal activity. I'm such a sissy. But it's ok; it's fun.
That wraps up our Wednesday, here at Widower's Way! Have a wonderful day today and tomorrow; and I will see you with some awesome costume ideas and tips on Friday!
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